The Palo Santo Bundle

The Palo Santo Bundle


Girl, are you even smudging the bullshit away?

If not, I highly suggest you get on it 😉

Smudging is the act of cleansing your space of negative vibes, dark spirits, stinky funk, stagnancy, or even just giving the mood a nice shift. It’s an intentional ritual to use smoke to cleanse away what isn’t serving us.

Palo Santo is dear to my heart, keeping me connected to my Ecuadorian roots. This palo santo is ethically sourced from my mother’s home country, Ecuador, and offers that potently powerful aroma we know to be slightly sweet, super earthy and resinous, and rather intoxicating. Did you know the translation of palo santo is holy wood?

This ritual has become common in my household. Even the children enjoy walking around blessing our home with it.

This bundle includes a small cotton bag with 9 gorgeous pieces of palo santo, and a super cute corked glass vial of matches with a striker on the bottom.

Bring it to you altar, your sister circle, your birth space, your ceremonies, your meditation and prayer, or gift it to a friend.


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